Prepositions and Prefixes with H-Mutation

This chart is only for one word which ends in a vanishing H.

In another dialect of Sindarin, there's also a word for "and" that ends with a vanishing H, ah but it's not in this dialect, so I'm not using it in these lessons.

The H only appears before vowels.

OH+CO CHcerino cherin about a mound
OH+PO PHperiano pherian about a hobbit
OH+TO THtalano thalan about a tree-house
OH+HO CHhabaro chabar about a shoe
OH+SOS Ssigilos sigil about a necklace
OH+HWO CHWhwando chwand about a sponge
OH+IO CHiauno chaun about a sanctuary
OH+LO LHlasso lhass about a leaf
OH+RO RHraefo rhaef about a net

The I in this chart is the Sindarin consonantal I pronounced /j/, not the vowel I.

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