Prepositions and Prefixes with Stop Mutation

This type of mutation is used for prepositions and prefixes ending in D.


Voiceless Stops
ED+CE CHcerino cherin from a mound
ED+PE PHperiano pherian from a hobbit
ED+TE THtalano thalan from a tree-house
Voiced Stops
ED+BE Bbâdo bâd from a path
ED+DE Ddatho dath from an abyss
ED+GE Ggaladho galadh from a tree
ED+FEPH Ffalasoph falas from a shore
ED+HE CHhamo cham from a chair
ED+SES Ssigilos sigil from a necklace
ED+THETH THthamoth tham from a hall
ED+ME Mmiriano mirian from a silver coin
ED+ME Nningloro ninglor from a golden water-lily
Voiceless Approximants
ED+HWETH Whwandoth wand from a sponge
ED+LHE THLlhawo thlaw from a pair of ears
ED+RHE THRrhosso thross from a whisper
Ancient Nasal-Stops
ED+BE MBbaugliro mbauglir from a tyrant
ED+DE NDdîro ndîr from a man
ED+GE ÑGgoloviro ñgolovir from a Silmaril

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