
how to ask a yes/no question and how to answer it

When we write a yes/no question in Sindarin, simply write a normal statement and add a question mark.

Forming an answer for yes/no questions gives a lot of people trouble because catch-all words for "yes" and "no" do not exist in Sindarin, but there are ways to answer such questions.

Let's break Yes/No questions into three categories: Finding out the truth, asking someone to do something, and asking for permission to do something.

True or False?

When asking if something is true or not, you phrase it like a statement. Raising your intonation at the end or a question-mark will let the person being asked know that this is a question. When answering, simply repeat the statement with the correct pronouns and negation. There also are a few short words you can use.

For "yes" you can use:

For "no" you can use:

I laiss mellin? - Are the leaves golden?
I laiss mellin. - The leaves are golden.
Ma. - Right.
*Naw. - It is so.
Thand. - True.
No. - I hope so.
I laiss *law vellin. - The leaves are not golden.
*Law. - It is not so.
Althand. - Not-true.
*Laer. - They aren't.
*Law no. - I hope not.
Avo no! - Don't make it so!
Enengig i adaren? - Did you kill my father?
Enengin i adareg. - I killed your father.
Ag�ren. - I did.
*Naw. - It is so.
Ma. - Right.
Thand. - True.
No. - I hope so.
*Law enengin i adareg. - I didn't kill your father.
*Law ag�ren. - I didn't.
*Laen. - Not I.
*Law. - It is not so.
Althand. - Not-true.
*Law no. - I hope not.
Avo no! - Don't make it so!
Sevil masgorn? - Do you have a loaf of bread?
Sevin masgorn. - I have a loaf of bread.
Sevin. - I have.
Ma. - Right.
*Naw. - It is so.
Thand. - True.
No. - I hope so.
Penin masgorn. - I lack a loaf of bread.
Penin. - I lack.
*Laen. - Not I.
*Law. - It is not so.
Althand. - Not-true.
*Law no. - I hope not.
Avo no! - Don't make it so!

Would you please?

When asking someone to do something, you use the future-tense suffix -atha and otherwise phrase it like a statement. When answering it, repeat the statement with the correct pronouns and negation.

For "yes" you can use Athon! (I will!/I'm willing to!/I agree to!/I consent to!) and for "no" you can say Avon! (I won't!/I refuse to!)

Ni linnathol? - Would you please sing for me?
Le linnathon. - I will sing for you.
Athon. - I will.
Avon le linnad. - I won't sing for you.
Avon. - I won't.

May I?

When asking someone for permission, use the future tense suffix -atha and phrase it like a statement. Or you can use the slightly longer *devil/*devig annin� (Do you permit me to�) which uses a compound predicate, or you can use the helping verb *ce. When answering it, repeat it as a command with the proper pronouns and negation.

For "yes" you can say Caro! (Do it!). For "no" you can say, Baw! (Don't!) while jerking your head upward or Avo garo! (Don't do it!) or the slightly shorter version, Avo! (Don't!)

Havathon? - Shall I sit?
*Devil annin haved? - Do you permit me to sit?
*Ce chevin? - Might I sit?
Havo. - Sit.
Caro. - Do it.
Avo chavo. - Don't sit.
*Law chavo. - Don't sit.
Avo garo. - Don't do it.
Avo. - Don't.
Baw! - Don't!

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