1.37 Spring, Well Q. celussë n. “freshnet, water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring” Quenya equivalent of the river name S. Celos, glossed “freshnet, water falling out swiftly from a rocky spring” and derived from a combination of ✶kelu- “flow (swiftly)” and the abstract noun suffix -ssë (UTI/Celos). Q.
Select Elvish Words
Studies on selected elvish words to sort out their semantics.
Select Elvish Words 1.36: Brook, Stream, River
1.36 Brook, Stream, River Q. celumë n. “flow(ing), stream, flood (tide); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] fountain, spring” A word for a stream or flow of water or other liquid, also for a flood tide, derived from the root ᴹ√KEL(U) (MC/223; Ety/KEL). Conceptual Development: In the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, the words ᴱQ.
Select Elvish Words 1.351-1.352: Foam, Froth, Splash, Spray
ᴹQ. falle n. “foam” A noun in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “foam” derived from the root ᴹ√PHAL of the same meaning (Ety/PHAL). Q. wingë n. “foam, spindrift, spray, [ᴹQ.] wave crest, [ᴱQ.] froth, scud; ⚠️wave” A noun for “foam” or “spray”, described at one point as “properly a
Select Elvish Words 1.35: Wave, Surge
Q. falasta- vb. “to foam, surge, [ᴱQ.] make a sound like surf” A verb meaning “to foam, surge” (for example, of the sea), used in all versions of the Markirya, both the version from the 1960s and the original from 1931 (and many of its preceding drafts). In the poem,
Select Elvish Words 1.33-1.34: Lake, Pond, Bay
1.33 Lake, Pond Q. ailin n. “(large) lake, [ᴹQ.] pool” A noun for a large lake or pool, a combination of the ancient roots √AY “sea” and √LIN¹ “pool” (PE17/160; Ety/AY, LIN¹). It is an element in several names such as Q. Angalailin “Mirrormere” (NM/353) and Q. Luvailin “Shadowmere” (RC/217).
Select Elvish Words 1.32: Sea
1.32 Sea Q. †airë n. “sea” An archaic word for “sea” which fell out of use to due conflict with “holy” words like aira or airë; it was a noun form of primitive ✶gaı̯ră (PE17/27). The more common modern word for “sea” is ëar. Conceptual Development: ᴹQ. aire “sea” appeared
Select Elvish Words 1.27-1.31: Shore, Beach, Water
1.27 Shore, Beach Q. falassë n. “(wave-beaten) shore, seashore, line of surf; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] beach” A word for “(wave-beaten) shore” (VT42/15; PE17/135), or “seashore, surfline” (PE17/62), derived from the root √PHAL “foam” (PE17/62). Conceptual Development: This word first appeared as ᴱQ. falas (falass-) “shore, beach” in the Qenya Lexicon of the
Select Elvish Words 1.25: Isle, Island
Q. lónë n. “isle, [ᴹQ.] island, remote land difficult to reach” An element in the name Q. Avallónë “Outer Isle”, thus likely “[remote] ilse”. Conceptual Development: A similar form ᴹQ. lóna “island, remote land difficult to reach” appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s as the only derivative of the
Select Elvish Words 1.241: Ravine, Pass
1.241 Ravine, Pass Q. (a)nacca n. “narrows, defile, pass, cut” A noun appearing in etymological notes from around 1964 (DD) with the glosses “narrows, defile, pass, cut” as a derivative of √NAKH “narrow, thin” (PE17/166). ᴹQ. aksa n. “ravine, narrow path; edge” A noun in The Etymologies of the 1930s
Select Elvish Words 1.24: Dale, Valley
1.24 Dale, Valley Q. imbë n. “deep valley, (wide) ravine, [ᴹQ.] glen, dell, (lit.) tween-land” A Quenya noun that is more or less the equivalent of S. imlad for a deep (and relatively narrow) valley or a wider-than-normal ravine. Conceptual Development: ᴹQ. imbe “dell, deep vale” appeared in the Qenya