4.91 Tired, Weary
- ᴹQ. lumba adj. “weary”
- An adjective for “weary” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√LUB of the same meaning (EtyAC/LUB).
Conceptual Development: Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s had ᴱQ. tarwa or tarva “tired” based on the primitive form ᴱ✶dar’wa- (PE13/161), where the initial d unvoiced to t as was usual of Early Qenya in this period.
- ᴱQ. qinqa adj. “languid, *lazy, relaxed,
- A word appearing as ᴱQ. qinqa “drooping, languid” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√QIQI (QL/77).
Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya I’d retain this word as ᴺQ. quinqua based on a Neo-Root ᴺ√KWIK(W), but only with the sense “languid”; for “drooping” I’d use later nimpa. I’d use also quinqua for “lazy” but not necessarily in a negative sense, so also meaning “relaxed”.
- ᴱQ. qinqele n. “languor, *relaxation”
- A word appearing as ᴱQ. qinqele “languor” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, a noun form of ᴱQ. qinqa “languid” (QL/77).
Neo-Quenya: I’d retain this word as ᴺQ. quinquelë “languor, *relaxation” based on a Neo-Root ᴺ√KWIK(W).
- ᴱQ. qinqelea adj. “languorous, *relaxing”
- A word appearing as ᴱQ. qinqelea “languorous” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, an adjective form of ᴱQ. qinqele “languor” (QL/77).
Neo-Quenya: I’d retain this word as ᴺQ. quinquelëa “languorous, *relaxing” based on a Neo-Root ᴺ√KWIK(W).
- G. drauth adj. “[G.] weary, toilworn, tired;
[ᴱN.] labour”
- A word appearing in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s as the adjective G. drauth “weary, toilworn, tired”, related to G. drab “labour, toil” (GL/30). ᴱN. drauth also appeared in Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s, where its typed gloss has a couple hard-to-read letters, but it seems to be the noun “labour” (PE13/142).
Neo-Sindarin: I’d retain this word for purposes of Neo-Sindarin based on the Neo-Root ᴺ√(D)RAP, but I’d use it with its 1910s meaning ᴺS. drauth “weary, toilworn, tired” since this is part of a more complete paradigm.
- G. drautha- v. “to weary, tire out”
- A verb G. drautha- “to weary, tire out” appearing in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, based directly on the adjective G. drauth “weary, tired” (GL/30). If it were derived from its ancient root, the Gnomish verb would be **draptha-; compare G. naptha- “seize” < ᴱ√NAPA.
Neo-Sindarin: I’d retain this word as ᴺS. drautha- “to weary, tire out” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin based on the Neo-Root ᴺ√(D)RAP.
- N. lhom adj. “weary”
- An adjective appearing as N. lhom “weary” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√LUB of the same meaning (EtyAC/LUB), where the l was unvoiced to lh as was usual of Noldorin.
Neo-Sindarin: Since the unvoicing of l was not a feature of Sindarin, most Neo-Sindarin writers adapt this word as ᴺS. lom “weary”, as suggested in Hiswelókë’s Sindarin Dictionary (HSD).
Conceptual Development: Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s had ᴱN. darw with glosses “weary” or “tired”, based on the primitive form ᴱ✶dar’wa- (PE13/142, 161).