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Select Elvish Words

Studies on selected elvish words to sort out their semantics.

Select Elvish Words 8.61: Oak

8.61 Oak ᴹQ. lindornea adj. “having many oaks” A word in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “having many oak-trees” or “having many oaks”, a combination of ᴹQ. lin- “many” and an adjectival form of ᴹQ. norno “oak”, where the more ancient initial consonant d- was preserved/restored in the compound

Select Elvish Words 8.571: Bloom

8.571 Bloom ⚠️Q. alalmë n. “inflorescence” A word appearing as {alalbe >>} alalme “inflorescence” in notes from around 1959, derived from √GAL² (PE17/153). Compare this to [ᴹQ./ᴱQ.] alalme “elm” from The Etymologies of the 1930s and the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s (Ety/ÁLAM; QL/29); in the 1959 notes Tolkien decided