Would you like your article on one of Tolkien’s languages to be posted here? I am making that possible, and this is why!
Something that has troubled me for a while now about all of the discussion on Tolkien’s languages moving onto social media is that while social media is really great for stimulating conversations, it is terrible for long, carefully thought out arguments. And, when it comes to analyzing Tolkien’s languages and how we can use them and how they fit into linguistics, other than broad survey publications like my book, we’ve had very little in the way of articles looking in depth at specific topics. If they exist they are getting buried quickly in social media feeds, or are stashed on scattered personal websites, and the old sources are no longer updated or added to. I want there to be again a centralized location to publish and find new articles. So, I am making the Realelvish Academy into a platform for them.
Here is the link to the submissions page and submission form.
Thank you, and I look forward to reading more scholarship on Tolkien’s languages!