New Theme! What do you think?

Study, speak, and hang out with fellow Elvish students!

Theme Updated

I finally freshened up the theme and menus! Hopefully everything will be easier to find now.

This new theme allows me to have multiple menues, which allows for a much more organized appearance. I’d been planning on making this update for months now, but the holidays happened and I managed to sprain my ankle somehow. I didn’t have a laptop, and I couldn’t work on my desktop and keep up my ankle elevated like I was supposed to, so everything ground to a halt in December more than the holiday travelling had slowed things.

Now I’ve got a new laptop that works! And my ankle is healing nicely. So, things are improving over here.

One thing I added was a link to the Atanquesta beginner’s Neo-Quenya course by Tamas Ferencz. It’s now the most up-to-date Quenya course on the web. Check it out!


  1. pfstrack | | Reply

    I like the new theme. It’s much cleaner. I especially like the new font, which renders the more obscure phonetic characters more cleanly. I have two suggestions though:

    1) The login link is now pretty far down the page and a bit hard to find. I suggest creating another login/register link in the “hamburger menu” in the upper left, so people can find it more easily and then log in quickly once they register for the site.

    2) HTML tables in the new theme have no borders, making them harder to read. I suggest having some table defaults more like the old theme, with borders and table headers that have a grey background.

    • dreamingfifi | | Reply

      There, fixed, I think. The tables are being tricky but this at least should be a little more readable. To fix the tables I have to wander around in the CSS, but with the help of “Inspect Element” I’m managing it!

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