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Select Elvish Words 5.71-5.76: Fruit, Apple, Pear, Grape

5.71 Fruit

ᴹQ. kuluma n. “orange [fruit]”

A word for “an orange” (thus referring to the fruit) in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from the root ᴹ√KUL “golden-red” (Ety/KUL).

Conceptual Development: There was a noun ᴱQ. kulmarin (kulmarind-) “orange” in both the Qenya Lexicon and Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa of the 1910s, a combination of ᴱQ. kulu “gold” and ᴱQ. marin “fruit” (QL/49; PME/49). There was also a noun ᴱQ. {kulumin >>} kulurin glossed “a piece of gold; orange” in the Qenya Lexicon (QL/49) but simply “orange” in Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa (PME/49); the second element might be from ᴱ√RINI “*circle”.

Q. yávë n. “fruit”

The Quenya word for “fruit”, most notably as an element in the name Yavanna “Giver of Fruits, (lit.) fruit-gift” (S/27; SA/yávë; PE17/93) and derived from the root ᴹ√YAB of similar meaning (Ety/YAB).

Conceptual Development: This word dates back to ᴱQ. yáva “fruit, produce” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√ẎAVA, already an element of Yavanna’s name (QL/105). The word reappeared as ᴹQ. yáve “fruit” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√YAB of the same meaning (Ety/YAB). In Quenya Prayers of the 1950s, the word appeared as yáva, yávë and yave (VT43/26-28).

G. gôf n. “fruit”

This word appeared as G. gôf “fruit (esp. of tree)” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/38, 40), the equivalent of ᴱQ. yáva under the early root ᴱ√ẎAVA (QL/105). In Gnomish of the 1920s, long ā became ō rather than further developing into au as it did in later Noldorin and Sindarin. Indeed, this word had become N. iau in The Etymologies of the 1930s, but there it was glossed “corn” (Ety/YAB). The element iof “fruit” did appear in some later words such as N. iofog “fruit drink” (TMME/53), but there the au had become o as it usually did in polysyllables, which the prevented the final f [v] from being lost.

Neo-Sindarin: Ryszard Derdzinski proposed the neologism ᴺS. iaf “fruit” in Parf Pith ’Wain (PPW) from the early 2000s, extracted from iavas “autumn”. It is likely derived from a primitive form *yăbǝ with short ă preventing it from becoming au and absorbing the final f [v]. Based on this, my preferred Sindarin neologism for “fruit” is ᴺS. iâf, though I think the â should be long as is usually the case in monosyllables.

5.72 Apple

ᴱQ. orva n. “apple”

A word appearing as ᴱQ. {orvea >>} orva “apple” Gnomish Lexicon Slips of the 1910s (PE13/116), the cognate of G. orf “apple” (GL/63) and G. urf “apple tree” (PE13/116). The deleted Quenya form orvea was derived from primitive ᴱ✶orbı̯a-, but Tolkien did not provide a new primitive after he revised the Quenya form (PE13/116 note #9).

Neo-Quenya: I’d retain ᴺQ. orva “apple” for purposes of Neo-Quenya since there are no later alternatives.

S. cordof n. “pippin, *a type of yellow and red apple”

The Sindarin name for “Pippin”, possibly of the same meaning as the English word: that of a type of yellow and red apple (SD/126). If so, its initial element may be √KOR “round”.

G. urf n. “apple (tree)”

The word G. orf “apple” appeared in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s with no clear derivation (GL/63). In Gnomish Lexicon Slips it became G. urf “apple” derived from primitive ᴱ✶orbı̯a-, but Tolkien revised this gloss to “apple tree” (PE13/116 and note #9).

Neo-Quenya: I’d use ᴺS. orf “apple” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin for better compatibility with ᴱQ. orva “apple”, my preferred Quenya word for that fruit.

5.73 Pear

G. orfing n. “pear, *(lit.) hair-apple”

A word appearing as G. orfing (orf-fing) “pear” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/63). Its first element is clearly G. orf “apple”, and its second element is likely related to G. fingl “tress” (GL/35), so perhaps “*hair-apple”.

Neo-Quenya: I’d retain ᴺS. orfing for purposes of Neo-Sindarin, with its second element still being S. fing “hair”.

5.76 Grape

G. mirobin n. “grape”

A noun appearing as G. mirobin “grape” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/57). Its initial element is G. mîr or miros “wine” and its second element is probably a reduced form of G. pibin “small berry”, hence: “*wine berry”.

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Sindarin I would adapt this word as ᴺS. mirybin, updating the initial element to miru- as seen in S. miruvor, but with the u becoming y via i-affection.

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