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Select Elvish Words 6.999: Adornment (other)

6.999 Adornment (other)

ᴱQ. enyarin n. “device, escutcheon, blazon”

A word appearing as ᴱQ. enyarin “device, escutcheon [an emblem or shield bearing a coat of arms]” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, an elaboration of ᴱQ. enya “device, machine, engine” under the early root ᴱ√ENE¹ (QL/35). The word enyarin was glossed “blazon” in the contemporaneous Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa (PME/35). As such it seems this word applied to shields, emblems and flags bearing a coat of arms or other symbol representing a person or organization.

Neo-Quenya: Since I adapt ᴱQ. enya “device, machine” as Neo-Quenya ᴺQ. indya, I would likewise adapt this word as ᴺQ. indyarin “device, escutcheon, blazon”.

ᴹQ. fas (fass-) n. “fringe, [ᴱQ.] tassel; ⚠️[ᴹQ.] border”

A word appearing as fas (fass-) in the Declension of Nouns (DN) from the early 1930s glossed “fringe, border” (PE21/19) and “fringe” (PE21/26). ᴱQ. fas “tassel” also appeared in Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, but there its stem form was fats- (QL/37), and in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon its form was fatse (GL/34). Based on its Gnomish cognate fath (GL/34), its 1910s root was probably something like *ᴱ√FAÞA.

Neo-Quenya: I would use this word as “fringe, tassel”, but only as “border” in the sense of a tasseled border for cloth, for which I would probably use the more elaborate form ᴺQ. fassalë instead. I would also assume a derivation from the 1930s root ᴹ√PHAS having to do with shaggy or tangled hair (Ety/PHAS).

ᴱQ. fatsale n. “(tasseled) fringe”

A word appearing as ᴱQ. fatsale “(tasseled) fringe” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, an elaboration of ᴱQ. fas (fats-) “tassel” (QL/37).

Neo-Quenya: A later iteration of ᴹQ. fas “fringe, border” from the early 1930s had a stem form fass- (PE21/19), so I would adapt this word as ᴺQ. fassalë “(tasseled) fringe” for purposes of Neo-Quenya.

ᴱQ. fatsevoite adj. “tasseled”

An adjective appearing as ᴱQ. fatsevoite “tasseled” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, a combination of ᴱQ. fas (fats-) “tassel” and the suffix ᴱQ. -voite (QL/37).

Neo-Quenya: A later iteration of ᴹQ. fas “fringe, border” had a stem form fass- (PE21/19), and the adjective suffix was generally -itë in Tolkien’s later writing. I would therefore adapt this word as ᴺQ. fassitë “tasseled” for purposes of Neo-Quenya.

ᴱQ. pimpilin n. “tassel, hanging tail”

A word appearing as ᴱQ. pimpilin (pimpilind-) “hanging tail, tassel” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, an elaboration of ᴱQ. pint (pimp-) “tail” (QL/74). The meaning of the second element is unclear. Its form resembles ᴱQ. lin(d-) “musical voice, tune” (QL/54) but that meaning doesn’t fit. The second element might instead be a variant of ᴱQ. lint (linty-) “fluff, down, soft stuff” (QL/54).

Neo-Quenya: Since I retain ᴺQ. pimpë for “tail”, I’d retain ᴺQ. pimpilin for “tassel, hanging tail” without being overly concerned about the meaning of its second element.

G. fass n. “tassle”

A noun appearing as G. fath or fass “tassel” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, cognate to ᴱQ. fatse (GL/34).

Neo-Sindarin: I’d use the form ᴺS. fass “tassel” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin for better compatibility with the later Quenya form [ᴹQ.] fas (fass-) “fringe”, and I would further assume it was derived from the 1930s root ᴹ√PHAS having to do with shaggy or tangled hair (Ety/PHAS).

G. fathli n. “tasselled fringe”

A noun appearing as G. fathli “tasselled fringe” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, an elaboration of G. fath/fass “tassel” (GL/34).

Neo-Sindarin: I’d adapt this word as ᴺS. fathol “(tasselled) fringe” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin based on ᴺS. fass “tassel” from primitive *phasḷ, where the th arose from ancient sl becoming thl, after which the syllabified to ol.

G. fathrin adj. “tasselled”

A word appearing as G. fathrin “tasselled” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, an adjectival form of G. fath/fass “tassel” (GL/34). There was a similar adjective G. fathwed “tasselled” written above it.

Neo-Sindarin: I’d adapt this word as ᴺS. fathren “tasselled” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin based on ᴺS. fass “tassel”, where ancient sr become thr.

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