7.11 to Live, Dwell ᴱQ. laulema adj. “inhabiting” A word appearing as ᴱQ. laulema “inhabiting” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, apparently an adjectival form of ᴱQ. laulemo “inhabitant” (QL/52). Neo-Quenya: Since I retain ᴺQ. laulemo “inhabitant” for purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would retain ᴺQ. laulema “inhabiting” as well.
Paul Strack
Select Elvish Words 6.999: Adornment (other)
6.999 Adornment (other) ᴱQ. enyarin n. “device, escutcheon, blazon” A word appearing as ᴱQ. enyarin “device, escutcheon [an emblem or shield bearing a coat of arms]” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, an elaboration of ᴱQ. enya “device, machine, engine” under the early root ᴱ√ENE¹ (QL/35). The word enyarin
Select Elvish Words 6.94-6.96: Ointment, Soap, Mirror
6.94 Ointment ᴹQ. laive n. “ointment” A word for “ointment” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from primitive ᴹ✶laibē under the root ᴹ√LIB (Ety/LIB²). The (archaic?) form laiwe appeared in notes written around 1940 as a cognate to N. glaew (TMME/53). Conceptual Development: In the Qenya Lexicon of the
Select Elvish Words 6.73-6.92: Ring, Necklace, Towel, Comb, Brush
6.73 Finger Ring Q. corma n. “ring” A word for “ring” appearing as an element in Q. Cormacolindor “Ring-bearers” (LotR/953), clearly derived from the root √KOR “round”. It also appeared in a translation of the title of The Lord of the Rings that Tolkien included in a 1973 letter to
Select Elvish Words 6.72: Gem, Jewel
6.72 Gem, Jewel ᴱQ. lúle n. “blue stone, sapphire” A word appearing as ᴱQ. lūle “blue stone, sapphire” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, related to ᴱQ. lūne “(deep) blue” (QL/57). Neo-Quenya: I would update this word to ᴺQ. luilë for purposes of Neo-Quenya, since the later word and
Select Elvish Words 6.63-6.71: Brooch, Adornment
6.63 Pin, Brooch ᴱQ. pirin (pirind-) n. “thin rod, pin” A word appearing as ᴱQ. pirin (pirind-) “thin rod, pin” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√PIRI having to do with cylinders and spinning (QL/74). Neo-Quenya: In 1959 Tolkien gave a new meaning to the
Select Elvish Words 6.57-6.58: Belt, Glove
6.57 Belt, Girdle Q. lesta n. “*girdle” An element in the name Q. Lestanórë for Doriath (WJ/369), untranslated but probably the cognate to S. lest “girdle” from the name Lest Melian “Girdle of Melian” (WJ/228). ᴱQ. qalta adj. “girdled, girt” An adjective appearing as ᴱQ. qalta “girdled, girt” in the
Select Elvish Words 6.55: Hat, Cap
6.55 Hat, Cap Q. ría n. “wreath, garland” The word ría “wreath, garland” appeared in The Shibboleth of Fëanor from 1968 as a derivative of the root √RIG in a discussion of the etymology of the name Galadriel (PM/347). The same word ría “a wreath, garland” appeared in another 1968
Select Elvish Words 6.41-6.44: Cloak, Coat, Shirt
p>6.41 Cloak Q. collo n. “cloak” A word for “cloak” appearing in Sindacollo “Grey Cloak” cognate to S. Thingol (PE17/72; SA/thin(d)), clearly a derivative of √KOL “bear, carry, wear”. G. brach n. “shawl, wrap, ⚠️plaid” A noun appearing as G. brach “a shawl, plaid, wrap” in the Gnomish Lexicon of
Select Elvish Words 6.35-6.38: Sew, Needle, Thread
6.35 to Sew Q. ser- [þ] v. “*to sew” A verb for “to sew” implied by the sobriquet Serindë “Broideress, Needlewoman, *Seamstress” of Míriel, mother of Fëanor (MR/257, PM/333). This verb is further supported by the root √THER or √SER “sew” which appeared in notes from 1957, with Tolkien preferring