4.73 Pregnant Q. colbanavië n. “gestation, *(lit.) womb-being” A noun for “gestation” in notes on Elvish life cycles from 1959, appearing in the form colbamarië and colbanavië (NM/91, 120). The initial element is colba in both cases, which might mean “womb” based on the root √KOL “bear, carry”. The final
Paul Strack
Select Elvish Words 4.71-4.72: Beget, Bear (a child)
4.71 to Beget (of Father) Q. onta- v. “to beget, *conceive (a child); [ᴹQ.] to create” A verb in Tolkien’s writings glossed “beget” and derived from the root √NŌ/ONO (PE17/170; Ety/ONO). In The Etymologies of the 1930s it had a second gloss “create” (Ety/ONO). Conceptual Development: The Early Qenya Grammar
Select Elvish Words 4.65-4.67: Urinate, Defecate, Copulate
4.65 to Urinate; Urine ᴱQ. mis n. “urine” A noun appearing as ᴱQ. mis (mist-) “urine” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s from the early root ᴱ√MISI “mingere”, which is Latin for “urinate” (QL/62). Neo-Quenya: I’d retain ᴺQ. mis (mist-) “urine” for purposes of Neo-Quenya, based on the later
Select Elvish Words 4.63: to Wake
4.63 to Wake Q. cuita- v. “to live” A word appearing as Q. kuita “live” in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from 1969, most notably in the phrase kuita’r pare “live and learn”, derived from the root √KUY “live” (PE22/154, 156). Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Eldarin, I prefer to
Select Elvish Words 4.62: Dream
4.62 Dream Q. indemma n. “mind-picture (of apparition in dream)” A word for a “mind-picture”, a combination of indo “mind” and emma “picture” (PE17/174, 176, 179). Tolkien described them thus: They [the Elves] held that a superior mind by nature, or one exerting itself to its full in some extremity
Select Elvish Words 4.61: Sleep
4.61 to Sleep; Sleep ᴹQ. lor- v. “to sleep, [ᴱQ.] slumber” The verb ᴱQ. lor- “slumber” appeared in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√LORO “doze, slumber” (QL/56). The verb reappeared in a present participle form loralyar “asleep” in Koivienéni sentence which was probably composed in
Select Elvish Words 4.58-4.59: Bite, Lick
4.58 to Bite ᴹQ. nac- v. “to bite” A verb for “bite” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√NAK of the same meaning (Ety/NAK). Conceptual Development: ᴱQ. naka- “bite” dates back to the Qenya Lexicon and Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa of the 1910s, already based
Select Elvish Words 4.56-4.57: Spit, Vomit
4.56 to Spit ᴹQ. piuta- v. “to spit” An apparent verb in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from the root ᴹ√PIW “spit” and so probably of the same meaning (Ety/PIW). Conceptual Development: The earliest verb for “spit” was ᴱQ. retye- from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the
Select Elvish Words 4.52-4.54: Yawn, Cough, Sneeze
4.52 to Gape, Yawn Q. hac- v. “to yawn” A verb implied by the active participle hákala “yawning” from the Markirya poem of the 1960s (MC/222). The verb form is often assumed to be háca-, but if this adjective is in fact a present active participle (= “is currently yawning”),
Select Elvish Words 4.51: to Breathe; Breath
4.51 to Breathe; Breath Q. foa n. “breath, puff of breath” A word appearing as fā in 1968 notes on primitive monosyllables as a derivative of ✶phā “breath, puff of breath” (VT47/35). Tolkien said this word survived in Quenya, but in a later sentence he wrote Q. fawa, foa, perhaps