9.46 to Bore ᴱQ. ter- v. “*to pierce” The verb ᴱQ. ter- appeared untranslated in a list of Qenya Verb Forms from the 1910s (PE14/28). Patrick Wynne and Christopher Gilson suggested it might be based on the early root ᴱ√teře “pierce” from this same period (PE14/28 note #4; PME/91). Conceptual
Paul Strack
Select Elvish Words 9.45-9.455: to Hew, Prick, Stab
9.45 to Hew Q. mac- v. “to hew (with a sword), *swing (a sword); ⚠️[ᴱQ.] to slay; to die” A verb in notes associated with the Quendi and Eldar essay from 1959-60, appearing in its aorist form make “hews with a sword” and derived from the root √MAK “cut, hew
Select Elvish Words 9.43-9.44: Carpenter, to Build
9.43 Carpenter ᴹQ. samno n. “carpenter, wright, builder” A noun in The Etymologies of the 1930s appearing as {sauro >>} samno “carpenter, wright, builder” derived from primitive ᴹ✶stabnō under the root ᴹ√STAB having to do with (wooden) rooms and building (Ety/STAB), where the ancient bn nasalized to mn. For purposes
Select Elvish Words 9.42-9.423: Craftsman, Tool, to Use
9.42 Artisan, Craftsman Q. ahto n. “wright, maker” A word for “maker, wright” used a suffix in the first version of Tengwesta Qenderinwa (TQ1) from the 1930s, derived from ᴹ✶(a)k’tō as an abnormal vocalization of the root ᴹ√KAT “make” (PE18/62). The word ahto reappeared in the second version of Tengwesta
Select Elvish Words 9.412-9.413: Art, Horn, Trumpet
9.412 Art Q. mairë n “art, work of high and beautiful art, process of producing an art work” A word in Quenya Notes (QN) from 1957 that Tolkien described as meaning “a work (or the process of producing a work) of high and beautiful art” based on the root √MAY
Select Elvish Words 9.41: Craft, Trade
9.41 Craft, Trade Q. arimaitë adj. “[most] skillful, *gifted” A word glossed “skilful” in Quenya Notes from 1957 (QN), a combination of maitë “-handed” with the superlative prefix ar(i)- (PE17/162). Elsewhere maitë by itself was glossed “skilful” (VT47/6), so perhaps this word was more intensive, meaning “*most skillful”. Neo-Quenya: In
Select Elvish Words 9.35-9.38: to Pour, Wash, Sweep; Broom
9.35 to Pour ᴹQ. kalpa- v. “to draw water, scoop out, bale out” A verb in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “draw water, scoop out, bale out” derived from the root ᴹ√KALPA “water-vessel” (Ety/KALPA). Q. púlima v. “pourable, liquid” An adjective in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from
Select Elvish Words 9.34-9.342: to Strew, Spread Out, Press
9.34 to Strew, Spread Out ᴹQ. kapta- v. “to make spring, scatter; [ᴱQ.] to startle, ⚠️leap” A verb appearing in the initial drafts of Outline of Phonetic Development (OP1) for the 1930s as ᴹQ. kapta- “make spring, scatter”, a combination of ᴹ√KAP “leap” with the causative suffix ᴹ✶-tā so more
Select Elvish Words 9.33: to Draw, Pull
9.33 to Draw, Pull ᴱQ. luk- v. “to haul, drag, [ᴱQ.] pull (behind)” A verb appearing as ᴱQ. luk- “pull” in Early Qenya Word-lists of the 1920s (PE16/134). A set of what appears to be past forms (lunke, ulunke, ulunket, unlunke) appeared in various versions of an untranslated sentence in
Select Elvish Words 9.31-9.32: to Rub, Stretch
9.31 to Rub Q. †psar- v. “to rub, [ᴹQ.] fret” A verb for “rub” mentioned in the second version of Tengwesta Qenderinwa (TQ2) from around 1950 (PE18/94). It is also mentioned in the Quenya Verbal System of 1948 as the basis for the frequentative verb ᴹQ. sapsarra- “keep on rubbing,