Thanks to the Kickstarter campaign, the free Sindarin course’s 11th lesson is up! Only 34 to go! My goal is to finish this month, which means one or two lessons a day. Follow this place closely to keep an eye on the lessons as they come out! You can view
Kickstarter Project Launched!
The link to the Kickstarter is here: Free Elvish Lessons at the Realelvish Academy Please spread the word to as many people as you can. Even if you can’t donate, spreading the word helps a LOT! Here’s the video: Thank you guys so much!
Registration Opened
Registration for the next semester of Your Sindarin Textbook is open! Click here for more details. I did some quick edits to all of the lessons in Chapter 2, to make them easier to use. I finished and posted a video for Chapter 1 lesson1! The Kickstarter Campaign was successful!
Elvish Linguistics Learning Tool The reason that I jumped into this project, other than the obvious, is that I see the potential for this to be useful for teachers and students of languages in general. It makes it easy to learn to read a language, especially one like Japanese or