Several weeks ago I posted about Primitive Elvish consonants. This posts discusses the primitive vowels. Like its child languages, Primitive Elvish has the five basic short vowels i, e, a, o, u. Unlike the child languages, it has 7 long vowels, with the addition of ę̄ (sometimes written ǣ) and
Paul Strack
Elvish Roots – Parent, Child, Sibling
Here is another exploration of Eldarin words, this time “father/mother, son/daughter, sister/brother” “Father” is dead easy. The words Q. atar, S. adar from the root √ATAR were established early on and Tolkien used them pretty consistently. “Mother” is trickier. Tolkien established √AM as the root for “mother” very early on
Elvish Roots – Consonants
If we really want to understand Primitive Elvish roots, we first need to understand what sounds were used in the Primitive Elvish language. Tolkien like to arrange his sound systems into tables of “series” and “grades”. The series were organized in columns by the area in the mouth where the
Elvish Roots – Man and Woman
This post is an exploration of the conflux of Eldarin words having to do “man/woman, husband/wife, bride/groom”. In Quenya, I think Q. nér “man” is quite well established, and Q. nís/nisse “woman” also well attested. I can’t imagine using anything else. These words point to the roots √N(D)ER and √N(D)I(S)
Elvish Roots – An Introduction
Fiona has asked me to update my writings on primitive Elvish roots and repost them on her site, something I am happy to do. This post is an introduction to that material for those unfamiliar with it. Since I don’t know who will be reading this, I’d first like to
Interview and Introduction of Paul Strack
Listen to the interview on Youtube: Listen to the interview on Sound Cloud: Here’s the transcript of the interview: Hi guys! I am adding a new person to the team, and he’ll be writing short articles about the development of ancient root-words in Tolkien’s languages. His name is Paul Strack,