The lesson #22 quiz for Gelio Edhellen! 100 is up and running, and ready for beta testing. As usual, let me know if you find any problems with the quizzes! Elaran, Paul, and I had a lengthy discussion about the words that end in A that came from G, which
Quiz Error Fixed!
There was a mysterious malfunction preventing people from moving from lesson 16 to 17 for the Gelio Edhellen! 100 course, and I finally figured out the problem! There was an option that sounded great on the quiz-set-up that I selected: “Do not store user answers in the database to save
Quizzes added to Lessons 15-19
I have five more quizzes added to five more lessons! Lesson 15: Nouns with Adjective Phrases Lesson 16: Past Tense TA-verbs and I-verbs Lesson 17: Stop Past Tense TA-verbs and I-verbs Lesson 18: Definite Prepositions Lesson 19: Gerunds Have fun studying! As usual, feel free to let me know of
Lesson 13 and 14 Quizzes are Up
Finally, I can focus on the quizzes! And, I figured out how to upload all of the quiz questions quick and easy into the database, so it’s going a lot faster! Here are the links: Lesson 13: Class Plural -ath Lesson 14: Past Tense A-verbs Again, let me know by
Common Mutations Quiz Complete
This quiz has 82 possible questions, making it ideal for re-taking a few times for practice. It covers vocalic, nasal, mixed, and long mixed mutation. Practice with it here: Common Mutations Quiz
Chapter 4 Art Complete, and To-Do List
Art by Julia Lindquist! To do list for making this website ready for lessons: Quizzes that need to be written: Vocalic Mutation Nasal Mutation Mixed Mutation Long Mixed Mutation Liquid Mutation Stop Mutation DH Mutation H Mutation Independent Pronouns Pronominal Suffixes Present Tense Imperative Gerunds Tol- Future Nidh- Future -Atha
New Semester Plan
I finally finished uploading the last homework assignment! I’ll be making more quizzes during the next month as well, but I wanted to make sure that at the very least all of the homework assignments were written. The new semester plan is as follows: January-March: Registration is closed, class is
Sindarin Grammar Quizzes
I made some more quizzes! Since they seem to be helping so much, I’m going to try to make a set for the rest of the chapters as soon as possible. These are for Chapter 3 Lesson 3: Reading Review Syntax Matching Exercise Translation Practice Let me know if you
Textbook Down-Time
Just a warning (and hopefully so I don’t get a lot of panicked e-mails) The Sindarin textbook is getting some revisions to its structure and database – so things are going to be wonky for a few hours while I do updates. The updates to the textbook are as follows:
Your Sindarin Quizes
I’m making a series of Sindarin online quizzes that will accompany the textbook! They’re still in the rough stages of development, but here’s what I have so far: Vowels Diphthongs Consonants Multi-syllable Words Check them out, and let me know what you think!