New Theme! What do you think?

Study, speak, and hang out with fellow Elvish students!

Registration for “Gelio Edhellen!” is Open

Registration is open from August 1st through August 28th. Your first assignment is due September 4th. Check the Calendar for other important dates.

There have been a lot of changes around here since the last time we held class. The classes are now held through a new plugin. You can keep track of your progress through the courses in your login page, under the heading “My Courses” as well as on the individual course pages.

In order to register for this course, you must complete the prerequisite: Carpho Edhellen!. Once you’ve completed it, a “Click to Enroll” button will appear next to the Gelio Edhellen! course on the Available Courses page. Select that, and I’ll put you on the Student Roster. I do that by hand, so it make take a day or so before your name appears on the roster.

Make sure you have a copy of your textbook, A Fan’s Guide to Neo-Sindarin, before the class begins. It can take up to 2 weeks for your textbook to arrive, so as soon as you register, get a copy of your textbook if you haven’t already. If you can’t afford one, or your copy is taking too long to arrive, just PM me and I’ll send you the free PDF version of the textbook.

I’m excited to see what difference having a physical textbook will make for you guys!

See you September!


  1. Martina Lewere | | Reply

    I love the Elvish People and want to learn the Language, latest since “the Hobbit”, early since Peter Jacksons “Lord of the Rings”. I love this Language, because it’s a romantic, exotic Laguage and I want to know it, to Speak it. Thank you

    • Martina Lewere | | Reply

      I love the elvish People and if there is a possibillity, to went into Middleearth, like in ‘Outlander’, I would go at once. With a one way Ticket. And for live with elvish People I need to know this romantic, exotic Language

  2. Cheyanne Stark | | Reply

    I wish I had know of this sooner 馃檨

    • dreamingfifi | | Reply

      It’ll open again December 1st 馃檪

  3. Shannon Marie Dowel | | Reply

    Could I get a PDF copy of the “a fans guide to neo-sindarin please??? I am trying to learn the elvish language and haven’t been able to find a course book anywhere before now.

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