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Select Elvish Words 10.11-10.12: to Move, Turn

10.11 to Move

ᴱQ. lev- v. “to move”

An intransitive verb appearing as ᴱQ. lev- “(intr.) move” in Early Qenya Word-lists of the 1920s, versus transitive ᴱQ. lehta- “[cause to] move” (PE16/132). The editors suggested it was likely related to the early roots ᴱ√ELE “drive, push, thrust” and ᴱ√LEHE “come, be sent, approach” (QL/52).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya I retain ᴺQ. lev- “move” for the sense “move but not necessarily in a particular direction”, as opposed to men- “move in some direction = go”. For example, Helge Fauskanger used lev- this way in his Neo-Quenya New Testament (NQNT). However, not all Neo-Quenya writers are comfortable with this 1920s word, and they use men- “go, move” for both these sense. I would mainly use lev- for intransitive “move (oneself)”, and for transitive “move (something)” I use other verbs like rum-.

10.12 to Turn

Q. quer- v. “to turn, *revolve”

A verb for “turn” appearing in various forms in the Ambidexters Sentence from 1969 (VT49/20-21). It is clearly based on the root √KWER “revolve” (PE17/65), and so probably has that sense as well. If so, this verb might be used both transitively (turn something) and intransitively (turn oneself = revolve).

Conceptual Development: A similar verb ᴱQ. {wir- >>} kere “turn” appeared in Early Qenya Word-lists from the 1920s (PE16/134), likely based on the early root ᴱ√KERE of the same meaning (PE14/65). This early root had a variant ᴱ√ku̯ere [KWER] which Tolkien eventually decided was the normal form of the root.

Q. querna adj. “*turned”

An adjective form of the verb quer- “to turn”, appearing as an element in nuquerna from The Lord of the Rings appendices, translated “reversed, inverted” but more literally “*under-turned” (LotR/1123). This adjective also appeared as an element in the (rejected) word númenquerna “*west-turned” in drafts of the Ambidexters Sentence from 1969 (VT49/20).

G. drint n. “twist, wrench, turn”

A noun appearing as G. drint “a twist, a wrench, turn” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, related to G. drinn “disc” (GL/30). It was thus likely based on a strengthened form of the early root ᴱ√RINI having to do with circles (QL/80).

Neo-Sindarin: Since ᴹ√RIN survived as a root having to do with circles in Tolkien’s later writings, I would retain ᴺS. drint “twist, wrench, turn” for purposes of Neo-Sindarin.

G. drintha- v. “to turn (tr.), twist”

A verb appearing as G. {drinta- >>} drintha- “to turn (tr.), twist” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, related to G. drinn “disc” (GL/30). It was thus likely based on a strengthened form of the early root ᴱ√RINI having to do with circles (QL/80).

Neo-Sindarin: Since ᴹ√RIN survived as a root having to do with circles in Tolkien’s later writings, I would retain this verb adapted as ᴺS. drinna- “to turn, twist” to better fit Sindarin phonology.

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