5.13 to Drink ᴱQ. socto- n. “to give to drink, drench” A verb appearing as ᴱQ. {sokta-} >> sokto- “give to drink, drench” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√SOKO with derivatives having to do with “drink” (QL/85). Neo-Quenya: Since √SOK reappears in Tolkien’s later
Paul Strack
Select Elvish Words 5.12: Food
5.12 Food Q. matta n. “food” A noun for “food” from the Common Eldarin: Verb Structure (EVS2) of the early 1950s, derived from primitive ✶matnā, originally an ancient adjective meaning “eaten” (PE22/136). Conceptual Development: In the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s the word for “food” was ᴱQ. matl under the
Select Elvish Words 5.11: to Eat
5.11 to Eat ᴱQ. lávear n. “glutton” A noun for “glutton” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s derived from the early root ᴱ√LAVA “lick”, with a stem form of láveard- (QL/52). Neo-Quenya: I think this word can be salvaged for purposes of Neo-Quenya as an abnormal agental formation from
Select Elvish Words 4.99: Naked, Bare
4.99 Naked, Bare ᴹQ. helda adj. “naked, stripped bare” An adjective for “naked” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from primitive ᴹ✶skelnā under the root ᴹ√SKEL (Ety/SKEL). In the entry for ᴹ√SKAL¹ “screen, hide”, helda was glossed “stripped bare” and contrasted with ᴹQ. halda “veiled, hidden” (Ety/SKAL¹). This comparison
Eldamo 0.8.4 is released
https://eldamo.org/ This release has the dictionary entries for semantic category 4 = Body Parts and Functions.
Select Elvish Words 4.93-4.98: Bald, Dumb, Blind, Drunk
4.93 Bald Q. parnë adj. “bald, bare, ⚠️naked” A word derived from √PAR “peel” appearing in various notes from the late 1950s and early 1960s, given as parna or parne and variously translated as “bare”, “bare, naked” and “bald, bare” (PE17/86, 171). In one note its primitive base PARAN was
Select Elvish Words 4.91: Tired, Weary
4.91 Tired, Weary ᴹQ. lumba adj. “weary” An adjective for “weary” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√LUB of the same meaning (EtyAC/LUB). Conceptual Development: Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s had ᴱQ. tarwa or tarva “tired” based on the primitive form ᴱ✶dar’wa- (PE13/161), where the initial
Select Elvish Words 4.88-4.89: Medicine, Poison
4.88 Medicine, Drug Q. asëa n. “healing herb, ⚠️athelas” An element in the Quenya name for “kingsfoil”: asëa aranion (LotR/864), which was itself sometimes translated as “asea of the Kings” (PE17/49, 100). In Definitive Linguistic Notes (DLN) from 1959 Tolkien derived asea from √ATHA “as name of plant athelas” (PE17/148),
Select Elvish Words 4.86-4.87: Cure, Heal; Physician
4.86 to Cure, Heal Q. envinyata- v. “to renew, heal, *restore” A verb for “to renew, heal” implied by the names Q. Envinyatar “Renewer” (LotR/1110) and Q. Arda Envinyanta “Arda Healed” (MR/405). It is a combination of en- “re-”, vinya “new”, and the causative suffix -ta, so literally “*to make
Select Elvish Words 4.85: Wound
4.85 to Wound; Wound; Wounded ᴹQ. harna- v. “to wound” A verb for “to wound” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from the root ᴹ√SKAR “tear, rend” (Ety/SKAR). ᴹQ. harna adj. “wounded” An adjective for “wounded” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from primitive ᴹ✶skarnā under the root