9.16 to Bind ᴱQ. hepe- v. “to bind” A word appearing as ᴱQ. hepin “I bind” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s and as hepe- “bind” in the contemporaneous Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa of the 1910s, derived from the early root ᴱ√HEPE of the same meaning (QL/40).
Select Elvish Words 9.14: to Bend
9.14 to Bend Q. cúna adj. “bent, curved” An adjective for “bent, curved” in notes associated with the Markirya poem of the 1960s, related to the verb Q. kúna- to bend (MC/223). Q. cúna- v. “to bend” A verb for “to bend” based on the adjective Q. kúna “bend, curve”
Select Elvish Words 9.12-9.13: Work, Labor, Toil
9.12 Work, Labor Q. mólë n. “labour, *work” A form appearing as mōle after the verb mol- “labour” in notes on “large & small” words, probably from the late 1960s (PE17/115). The section where these words appeared was deleted. The form mōle might be a noun, or might be the
Select Elvish Words 9.114: Action
9.114 Action Q. ahtar- v. “to do back, react; to requite, avenge” In notes from around 1959 Tolkien had a verb akkar- or ahtar-, cognate to S. achar- “do back, react; requite; avenge” as combination of √AT “back” (related to √AT-TA “two”) and √KAR “do” (PE17/166). This etymology was rejected
Select Elvish Words 9.112: Doer, Agent
9.112 Doer, Agent Q. -llë suf. “feminine agent” Some feminine agental suffixes were mentioned Notes on Galadriel’s Song (NGS) from the late 1950s or early 1960s: -lle, -lde, and -nde, the first of which was an element in the name Tintallë (PE17/69). In NGS Tolkien said -lle was used less
Select Elvish Words 9.11: to Do, Make
9.11 to Do, Make ᴹQ. alcárima adj. “not feasible, impossible” A negation of cárima “feasible, possible”, first appearing as ᴹQ. alkárima “impossible to make” in the Quenya Verbal System (QVS) of the 1940s (PE22/111), then as Q. la-kárima “not feasible, impossible” in Late Notes on Verb Structure (LVS) from around
Select Elvish Words 8.99: Vegetation (other) – Sindarin
8.99: Vegetation (other) N. chwann n. “sponge, fungus” A noun for “sponge, fungus” appearing as N. chwann or hwand in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from primitive ᴹ✶swanda under the root ᴹ√SWAD (Ety/SWAD). In Noldorin of the 1930s, ancient initial sw became voiceless hw, and then this hw became
Select Elvish Words 8.99: Vegetation (other) – Quenya
8.99: Vegetation (other) ᴹQ. arat (arac-) n. “weed” A word for “weed” in the Declension of Nouns (DN) from the early 1930s with a stem form of arak- (PE21/33, 35). Q. cëa n. “*hedge” Quenya cognate of S. cai, second element of S. Morgai “Black Fence”, with both Q. këa
Select Elvish Words 8.66-8.68: Acorn, Vine, Tobacco
8.66 Acorn ᴹQ. ferna n. “mast, beechnuts” A word in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “mast, beechnuts” under the root ᴹ√PHER(EN) “beech” (Ety/BERETH). Most likely the gloss “mast” refers to the fallen nuts or acorns used in ancient times to feed pigs, which was one of the senses of
Select Elvish Words 8.655: Tree (other) – Sindarin
8.655 Tree (other) S. faran n. “rowan, *ash” A Sindarin word for a “rowan” [a species of ash tree], cognate to Q. farnë and derivative of √PHAR(AN) (PE17/83), possibly a later iteration of N. †fêr “beech-tree” from the root ᴹ√PHER(EN) (Ety/PHER). Conceptual Development: The Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s had