5.12 Food Q. matta n. “food” A noun for “food” from the Common Eldarin: Verb Structure (EVS2) of the early 1950s, derived from primitive ✶matnā, originally an ancient adjective meaning “eaten” (PE22/136). Conceptual Development: In the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s the word for “food” was ᴱQ. matl under the
Select Elvish Words
Studies on selected elvish words to sort out their semantics.
Select Elvish Words 5.11: to Eat
5.11 to Eat ᴱQ. lávear n. “glutton” A noun for “glutton” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s derived from the early root ᴱ√LAVA “lick”, with a stem form of láveard- (QL/52). Neo-Quenya: I think this word can be salvaged for purposes of Neo-Quenya as an abnormal agental formation from
Select Elvish Words 4.99: Naked, Bare
4.99 Naked, Bare ᴹQ. helda adj. “naked, stripped bare” An adjective for “naked” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from primitive ᴹ✶skelnā under the root ᴹ√SKEL (Ety/SKEL). In the entry for ᴹ√SKAL¹ “screen, hide”, helda was glossed “stripped bare” and contrasted with ᴹQ. halda “veiled, hidden” (Ety/SKAL¹). This comparison
Select Elvish Words 4.93-4.98: Bald, Dumb, Blind, Drunk
4.93 Bald Q. parnë adj. “bald, bare, ⚠️naked” A word derived from √PAR “peel” appearing in various notes from the late 1950s and early 1960s, given as parna or parne and variously translated as “bare”, “bare, naked” and “bald, bare” (PE17/86, 171). In one note its primitive base PARAN was
Select Elvish Words 4.91: Tired, Weary
4.91 Tired, Weary ᴹQ. lumba adj. “weary” An adjective for “weary” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√LUB of the same meaning (EtyAC/LUB). Conceptual Development: Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s had ᴱQ. tarwa or tarva “tired” based on the primitive form ᴱ✶dar’wa- (PE13/161), where the initial
Select Elvish Words 4.88-4.89: Medicine, Poison
4.88 Medicine, Drug Q. asëa n. “healing herb, ⚠️athelas” An element in the Quenya name for “kingsfoil”: asëa aranion (LotR/864), which was itself sometimes translated as “asea of the Kings” (PE17/49, 100). In Definitive Linguistic Notes (DLN) from 1959 Tolkien derived asea from √ATHA “as name of plant athelas” (PE17/148),
Select Elvish Words 4.86-4.87: Cure, Heal; Physician
4.86 to Cure, Heal Q. envinyata- v. “to renew, heal, *restore” A verb for “to renew, heal” implied by the names Q. Envinyatar “Renewer” (LotR/1110) and Q. Arda Envinyanta “Arda Healed” (MR/405). It is a combination of en- “re-”, vinya “new”, and the causative suffix -ta, so literally “*to make
Select Elvish Words 4.85: Wound
4.85 to Wound; Wound; Wounded ᴹQ. harna- v. “to wound” A verb for “to wound” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from the root ᴹ√SKAR “tear, rend” (Ety/SKAR). ᴹQ. harna adj. “wounded” An adjective for “wounded” in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived from primitive ᴹ✶skarnā under the root
Select Elvish Words 4.83-4.84: Health, Sickness (Sindarin)
4.83 Well; Health S. alw adj. “wholesome, *healthy” An adjective appearing as alw “wholesome” derived from √AL “good” in notes from around 1959, along with a plural form ely (PE17/146). Neo-Sindarin: This root was sometimes associated with physical health (PE17/149), so I would interpret this word as “wholesome” in the
Select Elvish Words 4.83-4.84: Health, Sickness (Quenya)
4.83 Well; Health Q. málë n. “good health” A noun for “good health” in Definitive Linguistic Notes (DLN) from 1959, based on the root √MAGA “to thrive, be in a good state” (PE17/162). 4.84 Sick; Sickness ᴹQ. kaila adj. “lying in bed, *abed, ⚠️bedridden; sickness” A word in The Etymologies