New Theme! What do you think?

Study, speak, and hang out with fellow Elvish students!

New Semester Plan

I finally finished uploading the last homework assignment! I’ll be making more quizzes during the next month as well, but I wanted to make sure that at the very least all of the homework assignments were written. The new semester plan is as follows: January-March: Registration is closed, class is

More Waiting

Sorry That I haven’t been on schedule with my updates! I just started a real paying job. It’s 40 hours a week – all of which are on my feet running around and leaving me completely wiped out at the end of the day. So, progress has been slowed significantly.

New Look

After the publication of Parma Eldalamberon #22, and the new data therein, I decided that while working on the new version of the website, I could put together a wordpress version of this website too. I did, and I discovered that I can do some really amazing stuff with wordpress