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Study, speak, and hang out with fellow Elvish students!


Elvish Linguistics Learning Tool The reason that I jumped into this project, other than the obvious, is that I see the potential for this to be useful for teachers and students of languages in general. It makes it easy to learn to read a language, especially one like Japanese or

Moved Blog

So, here we are. Due to the Middle-earth Network shutting down social-network operations, I had to move the “News and Updates” section to my own website. In this process, I got another subdomain for my website, installed WordPress 4.0 on it, then mucked around until it became something resembling the

Sindarin Plurals

So, the edits I made last time to the Sindarin plural-mutation lesson (chapter 5 lesson 1) embarked me on an odyssey to find out more. With the help of Roman Rausch on the Google+ community “Languages of Middle-earth”  I present to you the newly edited and up-to-date version. It also