More updates to announce: I’m finally finishing the updated homework! I’m replacing the RTFs with Open Office files, because anyone can install Open Office for free, and you can insert the needed special characters with it. I’ve started applying the stuff learned from Vinyar Tengwar #50… but only easy things
Textbook Down-Time
Just a warning (and hopefully so I don’t get a lot of panicked e-mails) The Sindarin textbook is getting some revisions to its structure and database – so things are going to be wonky for a few hours while I do updates. The updates to the textbook are as follows:
Your Sindarin Quizes
I’m making a series of Sindarin online quizzes that will accompany the textbook! They’re still in the rough stages of development, but here’s what I have so far: Vowels Diphthongs Consonants Multi-syllable Words Check them out, and let me know what you think!
Elven Writing and Do Not
I’ve been making some rapid edits to the textbook over the past week. I just finished replacing the poorly hand-drawn Tengwar, Tîw, and Cirth from Chapter 2 of Your Sindarin Textbook. I also did some more research on Angerthas Daeron… and realized that I’d been using it like a dwarf
Sindarin Class Registration is Open!
I finally opened registration again. The info about signing up can be found here. Class starts May 17th. Unlike the past few years, there will be no winter semester this year. I’m taking winter college classes (I really want to graduate), and I’m going to spend the rest of my
Short Hiatus
I’m selling garb at a renfaire, and have to sew it first. After that, I’m going to a wedding. So, for the next 2 weeks, don’t turn in homework, because I won’t have enough time to get to it! I’ll also be hard to find around the forums, or anywhere
Ch2L1 Video Uploaded
I made a video supplement for Chapter 2 Lesson 1 of the textbook. Enjoy!
Ch6L3 Homework
I just finished the Chapter 6 Lesson 3 homework. It’s a long, melodramatic conversation between an Exile and a Sinda. I had so much fun writing it!
New Video
The video supplement for Chapter 1 Lesson 2 is up! (Finally!) Enjoy!
New News
I just finished copy-pasting all of the website-updates from the past few years that I hadn’t managed to delete. This shall be the new home of my updates page! And lookie! You can comment on the updates! I don’t know why you’d want to, but if you feel so inclined,